Exploring Transformation Technology (TT)
Key Definitions
Transformation Technology (TT): The "applied" use of various technologies which are both of a metaphysical/spiritual and physical/material (mechanical) process in order to advance our Human Transformation Potential.
The concept involves the applied use of TT on two principal avenues of utilization, such as, process theory, and implementation.
Applied Transformation Technology (ATT) is associated with the phenomenological, and material realm of existence) and as an Applied Spiritual Transformation Technology (it is associated with our spiritual, religious beliefs, extra-sensory capacities, and the metaphysical realm of reality).
Key Definitions (continued)
- TTCI (Transformation Technology Centers International): These are the specific locations to be developed on a global scale. Some of these structures will be of a physical nature, in the form of geodesic domed "centers" (also, non-physical structures) that can become supportive of grass-roots processes focusing on our Human Transformation Potential.
- The TTCI are configured to enable processes designed to resolve some of the impediments faced by the material conditions associated with modern globalization which are impacting billions on the grass-roots level (social problems: housing, employment, substance abuse, food, legal/justice etc. and wage slavery). Moreover, the spiritual transformation technologies that can enliven the means to encourage our human transformation potential are embedded in the TTCI.
- Human Transformation Technology Protocol Synchronizations (HTTP): Unlike, for example, what is known in the IT field as "Hyperlink Text Transfer Protocol Secure." This is understood in the IT field as protocols that serve as the "gateway" holder for Internet browsing and the overall WWW as a definition. The HTTPS in the context of Transformation Technology, however, is a specific methodology which is involving how we can navigate the utilization of the protocols, devices, and constituents of "Transformation Technology (TT)".
- 9PL (Nine Principles of Life) Tool: The 9PL tool represents the original nine pictographs, ideographs, mandalas, and charts, which were conceived in 1977 (at Cornell University) by the Inceptor of the Ikologiks Institute for Global Studies (Adisa Maina Omar). The 9PL tool operates on a multi-dimensional level (s). It engages our "within and without" possibilities in arriving at a "triad of transformational coherence" which in-turn engages our Human Transformation Potential into significant dynamic expressions (i.e., transcendence, ascension, transfiguration) for the elevation of humanity beyond the current trek, or cycle in globalization.
- The 9PL is not a dogma, ideology, or instructive mandate. It is instead a vehicle, tool, and serves as an "anti-virus" software in association with our cognitive processes, and beliefs, assumptions, and values on living. It does form the basis for what is called "Ikologiks theory."
- Ikologiks (Eco Logics) developed originally as the core methodology, curriculum model, and pedagogic theoretical model to help share the 9PL insights with others. Ikologiks is rooted in the expansion of the ideas in the science of "ecology" as a means to understand biological life forms.
- Ikologiks elevates the existing academic discipline, known as "ecology" to be redefined as being inclusive of "human ecology" and "human spiritual evolution". Moreover, the term 'Ikologiks' expands that original definition of 'ecology' to an even higher level of conceptualization that is imparted in Ikologiks Intensives.
- The knowledge, wisdom associated with the academic spheres of cosmogony, cosmology, and quantum astrophysics, which are impacting all aspects of life in creation are cornerstones in the 9PL. The term "Ikologiks" was introduced in 1979, in the city of Atlanta, Ga, by Adisa Maina Omar in attempts to explain the nature and importance of the 9PL tool. Thus, "ikologiks" is best defined for the purposes of this website as: -- "a study of life processes (interrelationships, between organic & inorganic) in the framework of the natural & human-made environment from a logical and rational perspective."
- Central Philosophy: This is the core philosophical orientation which itself is emergent from the 9PL tool that helps us transcend the traditional East vs. West philosophical conceptualization (s) of life (Cosmology, Cosmogony, Cosmo-Genesis, Astronomical-Archaeology, Physics, Anthropology), and thereby, offers a more accurate analysis of history, society and culture on this planet outside of the secular scientific method, empiricism and ontology than western, or eastern philosophy. The core references are to the primordial philosophical orientations emanating from the African continent in terms like Ubuntu, Ntuology, and Anokwalai Enyo.
"The entire human family is not unlike our personal family relationships. We so often argue, fight, bicker, and sometimes, find ways to reconcile, or overlook our differences for the sake of accord, or love.
The tightrope of humanity given our divisions, discord, and dissonance is tearing the rope to shreds. If that rope breaks, then all of us will suffer in the isolation of despair, and reduced to our own corners. To embrace the "rope" that binds us, as not a "tug of war/conflict" but instead a "circle" mutuality, cohesion, and coherence is the basis of what each PBF can help us accomplish in this era of discord, and disharmony." - Adisa M. Omar- |
*This website ikologiks.net was created and originally associated with the former IIGS.
The IIGS ceased its official operations as on 12/31/2021 after completing over thirty years of service.
This website will remain as an official "Archive" legacy domain (until 2025).
If you wish to learn further information, receive updates or help financially on our archive project about the former work of the IIGS, 9PL & the Prosensus Building Forums, please feel free to contact us at admin@ikologiks.com or call us: 1-855-258-1045
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